Saturday, April 6, 2013

The name and rule of deduce to reduce stress: 03

Benzodiazepines are quick acting and also people can offer speedy relief from the unpleasant feeling of having stress. This gives sufficient support to some people as encouraging them and seeking more permanent solutions to their problems.

There are three unsolved issues of using the benzodiazepines as reducing stress. One is that the drug therapy does not treat the cause of stress, but only the symptoms are treated. This has been argued for a long time. It is only that their effects are being ‘masked’ not treated by the drug. Severely, the drug therapy does not really treat stress. Things which people are causing by stress will be a long term solution for them. Second is that people could have tranquilizing effect. It is that decelerating of physical movements and mental alertness which is that it could affect the normal day-to-day activities. Indeed, this effect would be much worse with alcohol. It could make people as putting them at risk as their driving skills might be affected. The last issue is that prolonged using of benzodiazepines could cause tolerance and addiction. Tolerance is that to earn same effects people will need larger and larger amount of the medication. Addiction is that stopping them could causes withdrawal symptoms and frequently it’s going to be worse from the first time of medication.

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