Sunday, September 23, 2012

Theories of attachment

There are 4 kinds’ theories of attachment. First is the psychodynamic approach and it suggests that attachment to the mother which is the first love object occurs because of the mother`s giving pleasure to the infant through the feeding. This approach has been criticized in babies can attach to others who do not meet their need for food and the research on rhesus monkeys has shown that attachment to a cuddly mother was more important than food. The same criticism can be made of next theory which is learning theory. It also suggest that the attachment occurs through feeding in that the infant associates food which is a primary reinforce with the mother as secondary reinforce. Third theory is that social learning theory which suggests that attachment and other relationships are learned through observation and imitation. Last theory is Bowlby`s theory of attachment. Bowlby suggested that infants are most attached to a primary caregiver who is at the top of hierarchy and it is important for healthy social development.

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