Anti-anxiety drugs
- Beta blocker: These cause change in the circulatory system. They have no dependence problems but can have some side effects.
- Benzodiazepines: These increase the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA which inhibits activation throughout the nervous system by reducing, for example, serotonin level. They also have undesirable side effects, and their sudden removal can lead to intense anxiety.
- Buspirone: This is a newer drug which does not have the sedative effects if the other drugs but it can produce headaches and depression.
These physiological methods tend to be focused on reducing the emotion accompanying stress, in that they reduce feeling of panic.
Criticism of physiological methods of reducing stress include
- It is not entirely clear whether biofeedback produces long-term reductions in stress in everyday life.
- The side effects of drugs may be unpleasant.
- These methods do not address what might be causing the stress in that they focus on the symptoms of stress, Anti-anxiety drug should be used for dhort periods of time on low doses.